Thursday 4 December 2008

Clint Eastwood: Still kicking ass at 78

Here is the trailer for Gran Torino, propbably Clint Eastwoods final film as an actor. The man is unstoppable. So commanding. I bet the producers were all like, "Uh, Clint don't you think it would be cool if you bought back the orange chimp to help you fight these assholes? It's a one line fix...One of the Chinese kids could be all like, 'wow, it's a good thing he bought that chimp back from Korea.' This shit write itself."

Clint: "Get off my lawn"

Producer: "Um, sir, we're in an office, there's no lawn."

Clint: "I said get off my lawn..."

Producer: Okay, we'll come back later

Clint: *Jangles loose change in his pocket*

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